Getting in Touch with the Natural World

A Palazzi Community Center Event

It is not a blanket statement to say most of us are familiar with Western medicine. Maybe we go to the drugstore to get headache pills or use cough drops. But, what if there were a way to heal disease through the earth?


Yoga teacher, Ginevra Margiacchi, shared her expertise of the ancient practice, often called Ayurveda with guests at Palazzi Community Center's Corridoio Fiorentino on July 23, 2024. Complete with prosecco and Margiacci’s dog, Java, the hour-long lecture from Margiacchi brought in a local crowd. Margiacci spoke about her experiences with the practice, and ways to find balance in individual lives.


Ayurveda originated over 5000 years ago in India. The practice is still considered one of the most important forms of healing in the country. Margiacchi emphasized how Ayurveda is grounded on the core belief that we are natural beings made by the elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Ayurveda helps individuals read which of these elements are their natural elements and which of these they are more disconnected from.


“For example, me, I have more fire than water, than air and earth,” Marchiacchi said.


Ultimately, she explained how the balance of one’s elements is important, and nutrition plays a large role in creating this balance.


Margiacchi discovered her passion for the ancient practice while traveling throughout her twenties. Although always in touch with her spirituality, learning about her connection to the Earth allowed her to unravel a passion that has turned into a practicality.


This was Margiacchi’s first speech at Corridoio Fiorentino, and her first time public speaking in her career as a yoga teacher. Margiacchi often teaches yoga classes at the university as well. Students craving more holistic yoga knowledge have the opportunity to take her class, where she shares her knowledge every Thursday.


As Margiacchi said, “You’re always a student.” Her practice of Ayurveda is never stagnant, as she is continuously learning new methods of improvement and healing remedies. Continue to learn with Margiacchi at future lectures hosted at the Palazzi Community Center.

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