Undergraduate Admissions
Undergraduate programs at AUF are based on our Mission: Enriching Students through Cultural Integration, Community Engagement, and Experiential Learning. Find here the relevant details for applying to our Undergraduate Degree programs: 2-year AA/Certificate Career programs and 4-year Bachelor’s Degree programs. Our Enrollment Guidelines and Admissions Requirements are provided to help you choose the right academic program. Please refer to the corresponding links below for further information and access to the selected Application Form.
Admissions Requirements:
- High school diploma
- 2.5 GPA
- English fluency*
*In addition to the above, for candidates applying to the AA Degree Programs must demonstrate English fluency as follows:
- English language proficiency - If your primary language is not English, you must demonstrate your proficiency in the use of the English language by meeting any of the options listed below.
Test Options:
- IELTS 6.5
- Duolingo 105-110
- Cambridge Advanced 180 or higher
Students who score 6.0 IELTS, 61-71 TOEFL IBT, Duolingo 95-100 or Cambridge Advanced below 180 may be admitted to the programs but are required to take LACWRS070 Research and Academic Skills and LACWWR101 Fundamentals of Writing.
Students enrolling into the BA after having already successfully completed 30 credits of AUF coursework in English will require no additional proof of English language proficiency.
The language requirement is waived for those who can provide proof of enrollment in a High School Program taught entirely in English or applicants who provide proof of citizenship of a country where English is an official language.
For Certificate Career Program applicants seeking entry to non-beginning levels:
- Year 2 Direct Access options: Proof of equivalency to Year 1 courses or completion of two Year 1 courses (in the latter case, participants receive an official letter of coursework completion as attendance does not cover the full curriculum of the program certificate).
- Year 3 Direct Access options: Associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or at least three years of professional experience. CVs required for all categories, transcripts required for the degree categories.
Admissions Requirements:
- High school diploma
- 2.5 GPA
- English language proficiency - If your primary language is not English, you must demonstrate your proficiency in the use of the English language by meeting any of the options listed below.s
Test Options:
- IELTS 6.5
- Duolingo 105-110
- Cambridge Advanced 180 or higher
Students who score 6.0 IELTS, 61-71 TOEFL IBT, Duolingo 95-100 or Cambridge Advanced below 180 may be admitted to the programs but are required to take LACWRS070 Research and Academic Skills and LACWWR101 Fundamentals of Writing.
Students enrolling after having already successfully completed 30 credits of AUF coursework in English will require no additional proof of English language proficiency.
The language requirement is waived for those who can provide proof of enrollment in a High School Program taught entirely in English or applicants who provide proof of citizenship of a country where English is an official language.
AUF Career/AA students transferring into BA degree programs may waive the English language requirement by demonstrating successful completion of at least 30 AUF program credits.
Additional materials required for review:
- Official transcripts: A complete certified/official high school transcript and diploma completed (a certified English translation is required along with course descriptions and syllabi for faculty evaluation). For transfer credit requests related to previous higher education coursework, foreign language transcripts as well as course descriptions and syllabi must be submitted with translations that are certified / authenticated. The Admissions Office reviews the transfer requests with the Academic Affairs Office and pertinent faculty members.
- Letters of Recommendation: At least one letter of recommendation must accompany the application. They must be addressed to AUF Admissions Office and sent electronically directly by the reviewer. Letters submitted by the student are not acceptable. The contents of the letter should address the student's academic ability, potential and what he/she will gain from studying at AUF and in Florence.
- Personal Statements: Applicants must include a personal statement. This letter should help us learn more about the applicant and his/her qualities beyond test scores, grades, and work history.
- Resume/Curriculum Vitae: Applicants can elect to send a Resume/Curriculum Vitae along with their application. This document should reflect the applicant's work and research history.
- Portfolio: Highly recommended in support of applications for Fine Arts, Digital Media, Fashion Design and Technology, and Accessory Design and Technology programs. It should highlight the applicant's range of skills in various projects and it should not include more than 2 projects.
- Each qualified applicant will be interviewed by an Admissions officer of AUF or their nominee in person, by telephone, or other communication means. The main purpose of the interview is to select motivated applicants with the ability to benefit from a solid commitment to AUF’s program. AUF actively encourages applications from students of all ages, gender, ethnic, and/or social background, and from students with disabilities.
Please note: Direct transfer options available for AUF Certificate Career and AA Degree Programs.
For the BLPS degree program in collaboration with Fairfield University, please contact the Admissions Office.
Tuition and Application
Please send the Program Application (signed and completed), official transcript, CV, or statement of prior experience.