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AUF Introduces JSTOR into Library Catalog
Providing Students with an Endless Supply of Sources to Conduct Research
The library at The American University of Florence has recently implemented JSTOR into its library catalog for long-term students. Journal Storage, otherwise known as JSTOR, is an online database providing over 12 million primary sources, journal articles, and books. This platform is key in providing students with any information they need to conduct professional research. Students will now be granted full access to this database by simply entering their credentials, greatly enhancing their quality of education.
Quality research has always been a key value that AUF implements in its teachings, encouraging students and faculty alike to further their educational efforts. JSTOR which serves over 1,500 universities worldwide, provides students with sources not accessible in a physical library. While the library at AUF is an already renowned institution, there are significant advantages to expanding learning opportunities on a digital scope.
Prior to this online addition, AUF utilized its institutional library to provide students with physical sources, like books or journals. This library has set students up for success in their research efforts, but the academic office at AUF sought to take their research efforts up a notch, to better compete with accredited universities.
After conducting an extensive analysis based on students' needs, and other institutions' methods of research, faculty found that the sources provided in its library were good, but they could do more. JSTOR stood out among other possible candidates for databases, providing students with all of the tools they need to conduct meticulous research.
Beginning in August, students at AUF will have full access to the JSTOR database by simply entering their student credentials. This will ensure that students can acquire information only available through this database, enhancing the research process for faculty and students alike. This allows students to freely explore any and all sources of information that may benefit them in their research endeavors.
As AUF works towards becoming an accredited institution, this implementation will act as a huge stride in the right direction. Universities all over the world are greatly satisfied with the opportunities provided through JSTOR, and the faculty at AUF is confident that this addition will positively impact students in all areas of study.
As students are introduced to this database and the endless external sources of information, the level of education at AUF will vastly increase. Reaching a common standard for acclaimed institutions around the world, this opportunity serves as a new attraction for incoming students interested in maximizing their opportunities to learn. Visit to learn more about the endless possibilities provided through this database, and how AUF will continue to provide upstanding opportunities for students.
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